Viking Language Dictionary - setjaMeaning of Old Norse / Old Icelandic word "setja"
- setja
- <-tti, -ttr> vb (2) to set, seat, place; setja til ríkis put in power; setja at [e-m] attack [sb];setja á push; setja saman set up, put together; setja upp set, stand up; setja við prepare; setjask mid seat oneself, sit
Possible runic inscriptions in Younger Futhark:
- - Long branch (Danish):ᛋᛁᛏᛁᛅ
- - Short twig (Swedish & Norwegian):ᛌᛁᛐᛁᛆ
Abbreviations used:
- e-m
- einhverjum, einhverju ‘for somebody, something,’ dative
- mid
- middle voice
- n
- neuter
- pl
- plural
- prep
- preposition
- sb
- somebody
- vb
- verb