Þvígit = því-gi at
Viking Language Dictionary - þvígit = því-gi atMeaning of Old Norse / Old Icelandic word "þvígit = því-gi at"
- þvígit = því-gi at
- [w comp adj] not the; þvígit fleira no more, not much more
Possible runic inscriptions in Younger Futhark:
- - Long branch (Danish):ᚦᚢᛁᚴᛁᛏ:=:ᚦᚢᛁ-ᚴᛁ:ᛅᛏ
- - Short twig (Swedish & Norwegian):ᚦᚢᛁᚴᛁᛐ:=:ᚦᚢᛁ-ᚴᛁ:ᛆᛐ
Abbreviations used:
- adj
- adjective
- comp
- comparative (adj or adv)
- w
- with