Viking Language Dictionary - týjaMeaning of Old Norse / Old Icelandic word "týja"
- týja
- <3sg pres týr, 3sg past týði> vb (2) to do, work; [w dat] help, assist; impers avail, týði ekki it was of no avail
Possible runic inscriptions in Younger Futhark:
- - Long branch (Danish):ᛏᚢᛁᛅ
- - Short twig (Swedish & Norwegian):ᛐᚢᛁᛆ
Abbreviations used:
- 3sg
- 3rd person singular
- dat
- dative
- f
- feminine
- imp
- imperative
- impers
- impersonal (verb)
- pers
- personal
- pres
- present
- sg
- singular
- vb
- verb
- w
- with