Viking Language Dictionary - umMeaning of Old Norse / Old Icelandic word "um"
- um
- prep [w acc] about; around; across; for, because of; beyond; during, for, in, by (time); [w dat–in poetic and older texts] over; by, in (time); [w vb of motion] over, past, beyond, across; um alla hluti in every way; fram um or um fram [w vb of motion] on past, up beyond, out over; um dag one day; um nætr by night; um sumarit during the summer; um fram adv in addition; um sinnsakar for this once
Possible runic inscriptions in Younger Futhark:
- - Long branch (Danish):ᚢᛘ
- - Short twig (Swedish & Norwegian):ᚢᛘ
Abbreviations used:
- acc
- accusative
- adv
- adverb
- dat
- dative
- ex
- example
- f
- feminine
- m
- masculine
- n
- neuter
- poet
- poetical usage
- prep
- preposition
- vb
- verb
- w
- with